About Me

Hi! I am The Book Geektress. I am a geeky/nerdy girl who has way too many interests and too little time to indulge in all of them, but that doesn’t stop me from trying. My primary obsessions are books and video games. I read everything from paranormal romance to forensic investigation books. I also enjoy comic books and graphic novels.  I love horror movies, anime, Renaissance faires, comic book conventions, Doctor Who (why yes, a life sized TARDIS is on my Christmas list), fairies, zombies, Buffy, Firefly (Go Browncoats)! I pretty much love anything that spills out of Joss Whedon’s mighty brain), any sort of spooky supernatural stuff and, wow, does my list of guilty pleasures go on and on, so I will quit boring you with the details!

This page is primarily about my love of books. I am convinced I was born with a book in hand, so it only made sense for me to start a page about books, books, and more books (a movie or two might sneak in, especially if it is a movie based on a book)! My main goal is to provide reviews, maybe some recaps of author signings (if I am so lucky), and any sort of interesting booky news I might come across. But, like me, this page is a work in progress and my writing may be a little rusty, so please bear with me. Hopefully, you will enjoy reading my stuff as much as I hope I enjoy writing it.

Having said all that, this page is for me and to help me get back into the habit of writing. If it happens to grow into something more that would be great. But, the opinions on this page are purely my own. And they are just that: opinions. So, please take what I say with a grain of salt.